3 year old class Schedules:  



3 Days a Week (Monday, Wednesday & Friday) 9:15am - 12:15pm
5 Days a Week
(Monday - Friday) 9:15am - 12:15pm
3 Days a Week
(Monday, Wednesday & Friday) 12:30pm - 3pm

Curriculum -

Visual Discrimination Skills - can identify own name in print; can match letters and can reproduce simple patterns using colored blocks, & other manipulatives.

Comprehension Skills - can retell simple story in his/her own words; can name opposites when presented with its match: hot/cold, big/little, top/bottom and describes actions in pictures.

Auditory Discrimination Skills - follows two step command.

Language Skills - participates in creative/dramatic play; gives full name & parent’s names; states two he/she lives in; can name/describe an object using color, shape, size; can relate a simple story or event; speaks in sentences; uses reciprocal language skills; maintains a topic for at least 2-3 verbal exchanges.

Shapes - recognizes receptively and expressively basic shapes; can identify the basic shapes in everyday items.

Patterns - can repeat simple patterns (color, size, and object)

Numeration - can count out up to 5-10 objects in one to one correspondence.

Spatial Concepts - can sequence 3-5 objects from smallest to largest order; understands quantitative language empty/full, big/little.

Animals - understands that certain animals live in certain environments; understands that animals have certain needs like people such as food and water.

Plants - understands that plants grow from a seed; understands that plants need water and light; understands that plants are living things.

Food - can label foods; can distinguish healthy food vs junk foods.

Transportation - can discuss major modes of transportation.

Geography - can identify land and water.

School Routine - will understand the reasons for going to school; will understand the classroom routines and rules; will understand consequences for behavoir.

Safety - Will understand the significance of red, yellow, green lights; will understand basic traffic rules; understand stranger danger; understand basic home safety rules; understands basic school safety rules.

Community Helpers - can identify community helpers: police, firefighter, doctor, nurse, teacher, sanitation worker.

Large Motor Development - can balance; can jump, hop and run smoothly; catches a bounced ball using arm and chest; throws a ball with some accuracy; kicks a stationary ball; hops on one foot; can climb playground equipment.

Fine Motor Skills - can button large buttons; can zip from a non-separating zipper; can manipulate playdough into balls, ropes, and flat cakes; string beads; uses scissors to cut on line; completes a 10 piece inset puzzle; participates in sensory play; manipulative blocks, legos, and other materials that involve manual dexterity skills; is able to draw a person with head and facial features; copies circle, horizontal, vertical lines; draws a person with at least 4-5 body parts; traces on dotted lines; begins to trace letters in his/her own name.

Homework will be given as a reinforcement of skills and concepts. Homework is an excellent way to assess your child’s skills and comprehension.

Field trips are planned throughout the school year.

Christmas show in December.

Moving-up ceremony in June.

Children must be 3 before or on December 1st of the given year.

Children need not be potty trained.