Curriculum (Kindergarten Readiness Program) -
Pre-Reading and Language Arts Skills - can make a sound of all consonants in isolation; understands that vowels make two sounds (hard/soft); in interested in sounding out words; recognizes upper and lower case letters; can copy both upper case and lower case forms of the alphabet; can make inferences and draws conclusions from stories; can make prediction from stories.
Mathematics Skills - can rote count to 20; can classify objects by size and shape; can make comparisons; understands number relations more/less, empty/full, one more than, etc.; can make comparisons according to size and number; can read and write numerals 1-10.
Graphomotor Skills - writes first name independently; traces complex paths and mazes; writes numerals 1-10; draws a person with a least 7-9 body parts; illustrates stories independently.
Self Help Skills - zips from separating zipper.
Homework will be given as a reinforcement of skills and concepts. Homework is an excellent way to assess your child’s skills and comprehension.
Progress reports are sent home during the school year.
Christmas show in December.
Pre-K graduation ceremony in June.
Children must be 4 before or on December 1st of the given year.